Difference between infrared and radio frequency?
2013.07.20 Source:
Infrared is cordless technology that operates on a beam of infrared light transmitted from a transmitter connected to the sound source to the stereophone. Listeners must remain within the line of sight from the transmitter to the stereophones or the signal is broken. A remote control for a TV operates on infrared technology. Radio frequency, on the other hand, operates on a radio signal transmitted from a transmitter connected to the sound source to the stereophone. Listeners may move freely, in any direction out of sight of the transmitter, up to a designated amount of space. Neither technology is necessarily better than the other it is mostly a matter of personal choice. Infrared is generally less susceptible to interference than RF, while RF allows the listener to roam more freely throughout their home. When considering a cordless purchase, think about how you would use it. If you are more inclined to listen in one room only, the infrared unit offers a stronger signal with less interference. If you prefer greater freedom of movement, an RF unit will enable you to move about freely from room to room. Just as sound is subjective, so is how you choose to listen.